Joe Rogan: The Secrets & Mysteries Of The Egyptian Pyramids!

Ready to learn 7 facts you may not know about the ancient Egyptian pyramids?

  • They weren't all pointed.

  • Most pyramids were built west of the Nile.

  • We're still figuring out how they were built.

  • The Egyptians used astronomy to guide construction.

  • They weren't built by slaves.

  • The Great Pyramid can tell time.

The candle lit Halloween special Joe Rogan & Duncan Trussell discuss the amazing precision of The Great Pyramids & how we think were so advanced but there are ancient structures all over the world that are more complex than we can construct now. What are your thoughts?

  • One of the biggest mysteries about the Egyptian pyramids is the construction techniques used to erect them. The incredible feat of the Egyptians is all the more impressive when taking into consideration that over 2 million limestone and granite blocks were used to build the Great Pyramid of Giza.

  • The exact method in which this architectural masterpiece was built is not definitively known, but the leading theory is that the Egyptians employed an encircling embankment of sand, brick and earth that was increased in height as the pyramid rose.

  • In 2017, scientists were finally able to peek inside using particle physics. Their findings revealed a hidden world full of secret chambers and rooms that were unexpected. Perhaps the biggest discovery was a massive void nearly 100-feet-long that lay just above the pyramid's grand gallery.

  • Secret rooms and their passageways have been around for thousands of years. Many ancient Egyptian pyramids that memorialized the likes of the Pharaoh had secret doors and rooms to thwart thieves who were attempting to steal the riches of the Egyptian royalty who were planning on taking it with them into the afterlife.
    It's believed that all the pyramids were once covered in casing stones, made from a highly polished limestone, but over the millennia, most of the casing stones were pried loose and used on other building projects. Khafre's pyramid still has some of its limestone casing, but only at the very top.

  • An enormous system of caves, chambers and tunnels lies hidden beneath the Pyramids of Giza, according to a British explorer who claims to have found the lost underworld of the pharaohs. Populated by bats and venomous spiders, the underground complex was found in the limestone bedrock beneath the pyramid field at Giza.