Mysterious Archaic Homo Sapiens Lived in Europe 350,000 Years Ago

The Petralona skull’s anatomical characteristics indicate that it belonged to a figure transitioning from homo erectus to homo sapiens. Today, after much research and debate, it is believed to be 200,000 years old. The skull represented an important piece in the puzzle of human evolution. It is now considered the “Parthenon of paleontology” and has been studied by some of the greatest paleoanthropologists in the world. Although the jaw is missing, the cranium is almost complete, and it is similar to specimens discovered at Kabwe ( in Zambia). All of these combine primitive traits (prominent browridges, a ridge along the rear of the skull, and thick braincase bones) with other modern characteristics (including a somewhat larger brain) of later Homo species, such as Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) and modern humans (Homo sapiens).

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