This Is What Scientists Found at the Bottom of the Niagara Falls That Left Them so Disturbed

Around 18,000 years ago, the falls didn't exist. They were formed then ice sheet from the North Pole left behind vast areas of landscape, what we know today as North America. When the vast chunks of ice started to melt, the fall came into existence. When the glaciers melted, a considerable amount of water was sent into the Niagara River. It took a lot of time for the water to erode the cliffs, and the falls were formed. By the end of the 19the century, the world's first hydroelectric generating station was built near the falls. Soon, it started producing electricity. Unfortunately, the electricity could only carry 300-feet, so everyone knew that improvements had to be made. Nicola Tesla was the man who made those changes. He found a way to send electricity to long distances bu using alternating current. Today, the fall's power plants produce more than two million kilowatts of power.

The scientists wanted to see if it was possible to see what was going on behind the falls. They thought that if they could stop them from flowing, they could find out the mysteries behind them. Tempering nature is a challenge, and many people wondered if what the scientists had planned was even possible. How is it possible to stop such a powerful force?